Disney Porn

To Have - Alessandra Torre
Love seems to be set aside for those who deserve it, for those who plan ahead, are responsible, those who recycle and donate a dollar to the March of Dimes at the supermarket register. I'm a non-donater. I'm the girl who spends that spare dollar on a candy bar instead. I don't deserve love.

I do love a book that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Especially if its about a stripper who got propositioned for marriage by a special customer. And by special I mean a billionaire shipping magnate (because nobody gets turned on by millionaires anymore in this day and age) who specifically treks out to some third-tier strip club in bumfuck nowhere to co-mingle with truck drivers and soccer dads.

If I squint hard enough, this is just like Pretty Woman's final scene. Maybe I can be Julia Roberts. Maybe I can have a fairytale ending, despite my poor planning… "Where are we going?"

He ignores my question, unzipping his pants and leaning back in the seat. "Make me cum."

I actually search out stripper/pornstars/whore stories of worth because I quite like how the premise of such stories preemptively eases out the moral logic in the setting. Unfortunately, I've yet to find the holy grail of such stories (where the stripper has a doctorate degree on physics or psychology) but "Candy" was a serviceable character. The sex scenes were steamy enough but fell trap to the awkward vernacular erotica is notoriously stereotyped for.

His mouth, that incredible, hot machine of ecstasy, moves, traveling into the curves of my neck and all I can think about is how it would feel between my legs.


With a sick daddy somewhere for our heroine and the surliness of the dominant hero, the storyline is a little bit of Disney Porn (there is voyeurism in Disney films right?) but I'm hopeful for the succeeding installments. There's probably going to be some lengthy, gag-worthy scenes on the Cinderella transformation for "Candy" as her story continues with Mr. Dumont but I'll probably tune in just to see if any of these two contracts herpes.